open MRI

At Rezolut, we understand that every “body” is different and that not all patients can comfortably be examined in the same MRI system. That’s why we offer High-Field Open MRI.

This revolutionary system provides a truly open MRI experience with high-touch comfort designed especially for anxious, claustrophobic, bariatric, and pediatric patients. The design allows patients to comfortably see all around them as high-field, advanced clinical capabilities provide the image quality physicians require.

At Rezolut, we believe that every patient deserves a comfortable MRI experience.

HOW SHOULD I PREPARE for this exam?

Before your MRI exam, remove all accessories, including hair pins, jewelry, eyeglasses, hearing aids, wigs, and dentures. During the exam, these metal objects may interfere with the magnetic field, affecting the quality of the MRI images taken. Notify your technologist if you:

  • have any prosthetic joints – hip, knee

  • have a heart pacemaker (or artificial heart valve), defibrillator, or artificial heart valve

  • have an intrauterine device (IUD)

  • have any metal plates, pins, screws, or surgical staples in your body

  • have neuro-stimulators

  • have inner ear implants

  • have tattoos and permanent make-up

  • have a bullet or shrapnel in your body, or ever worked with metal

  • are pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant


Once in the scanner, the MRI technician communicates with the patient via the intercom to ensure comfort. They will not start the scan until the patient is ready.

During the scan, it is vital to stay still. Any movement will disrupt the images, much like a camera trying to take a picture of a moving object. The scanner will make loud noises; this is perfectly normal. Depending on the images, at times, it may be necessary for the person to hold their breath.

If the patient feels uncomfortable during the procedure, they can speak to the MRI technician via the intercom and request that the scan be stopped.


Open MRI technology is ideal for ALL patients, most especially those that are anxious, obese, claustrophobic, geriatric, pediatric, and elderly.

  • Patient Comfort and Reduced Claustrophobia

  • Accommodates a Wider Range of Patients

  • Improved Patient Accessibility

  • Enhanced Imaging for Certain Conditions

  • Allows for Support During the Scan